1. 獨家丨60歲莫少聰被指潦倒直認慳家罕談洪欣16年自爆婚變原來從未離婚
7 aug 2023 · 1988年,「大眼仔」莫少聰憑電影《中國最後一個太監》一炮而紅,在娛樂圈打滾逾30年,近年變得低調,之前有內地網民影到他以寒酸衣著做商演,又指60歲的他 ...
2. Max Mok Siu-Chung - TMDB
Personal Info. Stage Name 莫少聪. Known For Acting. Known Credits 106. Gender Male. Birthday December 2, 1960 (64 years old). Place of Birth Hong Kong, British ...
Max Mok is a Hong Kong actor and singer. Mok was recruited by the Shaw Brothers Studio and has been a major film star since the 1980s. Mok is perhaps best known as Leung Foon in Once Upon a Time in China II, III, IV and V, after replacing Yuen Biao who was in the first film.
3. 廿五年的電影生涯:莫少聰- 講。鏟。片
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近日電影《一個好爸爸》公映,正當大家焦點落在男主角古天樂及女主角劉若英身上的時候,可曾留意飾演古天樂身旁手下的 […]
4. Max Mok Siu-Chung - 莫少聪 - The Movie Database
პირადი ინფორმაცია ; Stage Name 莫少聪 ; Known For შესრულება ; ნაცნობი მონაწილეობა 106 ; სქესი Male ; დაბადების თარიღი დეკემბერი 2, 1960 (64 years old).
Max Mok is a Hong Kong actor and singer. Mok was recruited by the Shaw Brothers Studio and has been a major film star since the 1980s. Mok is perhaps best known as Leung Foon in Once Upon a Time in China II, III, IV and V, after replacing Yuen Biao who was in the first film.
5. 莫少聰 - Wikiwand
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See AlsoHugo Álvarez Pifano Play Boy莫少聪,香港男演员及歌手。曾为丽的电视及无线电视(合约艺员)旗下艺人;1979年,莫少聪以翌年签署成为邵氏兄弟电影及电视演员公司身份而出道、1980年,莫少聪曾参加丽的电视举办的“慧眼识新星”比赛成为后签约该电视台旗下合约艺员,1988年,莫少聪凭借电影《中国最后一个太监》成名;,并且入围第24届金马奖最佳男主角奖,他...
6. 隐忍17年! 莫少聪怒揭洪欣未婚生子真相(组图) - 文娱
21 okt 2016 · 洪欣在97年和莫少聪怀下了一子.
7. Listen 莫少聰Hit Songs on Gaana.com
Gaana.com presents the Best of 莫少聰songs for you. Enjoy the music collection of 莫少聰on Gaana ... Old Hindi SongsOld English SongsOld Punjabi SongsOld Telugu ...
Gaana.com presents the Best of 莫少聰 songs for you. Enjoy the music collection of 莫少聰 on Gaana.com.
8. https://mmis.hkpl.gov.hk/coverpage/-/coverpage/vie...
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